How A.I. Just Changed Vocal Tuning Forever (ft. Audimee)

Vocal Tuning has just changed forever because of A.I….

But how?

Can A.I. actually make vocal tuning more human? More natural?

Will it replace good singers… or help make them more creative?

Today, we explore a subtle—but surprisingly monumental—shift in the way tuning software can work from this way forward.

If you don’t pay attention you might not notice what this change means for producers and artists. But I think it’s BIG.

Speaking of big… big thanks to Audimee for supporting this channel!


They make A.I. tools for vocals that I believe can be used in creative, interesting and ethical ways.

Want to try their tools out? Get 20% off for 3 months (on Monthly plans) or the first year (on Yearly plans) at with discount code SONICSCOOP

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