Introducing: MixCon Shorts

Not everyone has time to sit down for a big hour-long video presentation at the drop of a hat—even if it means changing the way you mix forever.

We get it. Life gets in the way. Perhaps you’ve had a few of this years’ full-length MixCon presentations flagged to watch later. Well, what if we told you there was sometime even better than later? That time: RIGHT NOW.

We’re adding to our regularly scheduled MixCon video releases with a new section of our YouTube page filled with “MixCon Shorts“. Start below with more than a half dozen of our favorite little snippets that stand on their own, all just 2-7 minutes long.

Do you have any favorites you’d like to nominate, or any requests for a MixCon short you’d like to see? Tell us about it in the comments and we’re happy to get cracking putting new MixCon shorts together for you, going all  the way back to the first MixCon in 2015. Start the playlist below with our latest, just posted today!

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