NYC Event Alert: PromaxBDA – June 11-14

It switches from the West Coast to the East Coast like weather patterns, but 2018 sees the powerful PromaxBDA show back in New York City.

The conference is taking Manhattan June 11-14 at the New York Hilton Midtown. Promax is a leading association for promotion, marketing and design professionals in the entertainment industry, which makes its annual confab a unique chance for music-for-picture and audio pros to pick up inside intelligence, make new connections, and discover potential pivots.

It’s an expensive ticket to gain entry. But the fact that directors, producers, creative directors, brand managers and more are in attendance presents fresh opportunities. Also exhibiting and attending are composers, production music libraries, and publishers, all of whom are in search of new directions and talent.

The full schedule is well worth checking out. Here are some select highlights that should be of interest to pros in the music/audio space:

Tuesday kicks in with first ever-collaboration in PopUp F5.

Tuesday, June 12th, PopUp F5: A whole new kind of collaboration debuts, celebrating creativity at a unique one-day pop-up festival that includes world-class designers and visual storytellers alongside scientists, and comedians. It’s designed to be an inspiring and insightful one-day pop-up for filmmakers, writers, digital artists, technologists, motionographers, designers, industry visionaries and more.

2:00 PM: Next Gen Entertainment Now

“A new generation of creators is redefining what a story is, how it’s told and where it’s viewed. They’re changing what audiences now consider entertainment. Our keynote with Dawn Ostroff, President of Condé Nast Entertainment, in conversation with HQ Trivia’s Scott Rogowsky, focuses on programming trends for different platforms and asks the big questions: What is entertainment now? Where are young viewers? Is digital video the new family entertainment?”


4 PM: Industry Close-Up: Now/New/Next with Amazon Studios

If anyone can predict where our industry’s headed in the next 18 months it’s Mike Benson of Amazon Studios. Learn what trends are shaping both traditional and streaming content providers. Get a jump on what’s working today and put it into action tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 13th, 11 AM: Industry Close-Up: Now/New/Next with Cheddar

If anyone can predict where our industry’s headed in the next 18 months it’s Jon Steinberg of Cheddar. Learn what trends are shaping both traditional and streaming content providers. Get a jump on what’s working today and put it into action tomorrow.

2:00 PM: Branding The Future…Of Content Delivery

Brands need to evolve to keep pace with the markets they serve. It takes a lot to launch a successful re-brand: vision, strategy, insight, consensus, commitment and of course: killer creative. Get a close-up look at what goes into re-branding and put it to work for you.

Joel Beckerman, Founder, Composer, Man Made Music
Jeff Blackman, SVP, Marketing, SYFY
Amy Davis, Senior Brand Manager, Hulu
Daniel Dörnemann, Executive Creative Director, Loyalkaspar
Chris Maclean, Creative Director, Gretel
Terry Minogue, SVP, Brand Creative, Paramount Network/TV Land
Reid Thompson, Creative Director, Design, Hulu
Dyana Weissman, Senior Custom Designer, Type Network

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