Clipping Vs. Limiting: A Comprehensive Guide [How, When and Why to Use Each]

To clip or to limit? That is the question today.

Where, why and how would you use a clipper rather than a limiter, and vice versa?

Can limiters sometimes sound cleaner than clippers? Yes.

Can clippers sometimes sound even cleaner than limiters? Surprisingly, also yes!

But part of this depends

“Don’t You Dare Go Past 3dB!”: Pushing the Boundaries of What’s “Allowed” in Music Production

We’ve often heard the advice not to over-process our audio: Don’t over-compress! Don’t over-EQ!

But what if I told you that the most common problem in the mixes of beginning producers and engineers isn’t over-processing, but rather under-processing?

How can I say this with such confidence? And how did Read more...

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