New Software Review: StageOne and CenterOne by Leapwing Audio

When I got the chance to review Leapwing Audio‘s StageOne and CenterOne plug-ins, my heart widened with excitement. Why the horrible pun? Two reasons:

Firstly, these plug-ins operate on the stereo field: they alter width, influence front-to-back depth, and facilitate surgical manipulation of each channel, be it left, right, or Read more...

EQ Before or After Compression? Plus: Multi-band Compression Principles [SSP042]

Justin Colletti answers a common question: Is it better to put your EQ before or after your compressor? Then, he dives into some tips and principles for using EQ sidechains and multiband compressors.

Thanks to Focusrite, Soundtoys and Eventide for sponsoring this podcast.

For much, much more on using compression,

New Gear Review: Reference Remastered In-Ear Monitors by Ultimate Ears

Typically, when we think of in-ear monitoring, we think of live sound applications: musicians on stage, DJs hyping up crowds and the like.

Ultimate Ears however, in partnership with Capitol Studios, aims to “remaster” our thinking with a product custom-designed for audio engineers, music producers, and others who are looking Read more...

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