Review: “The Daily Adventures of Mixerman” Audiobook
The audiobook, The Daily Adventures of Mixerman, is a colorful account of one man’s experiences as viewed from the trenches and frontline of the music industry. Mixerman, the protagonist, takes us along his journey that begins with getting hired for a project, through finding a sound for the band, managing the record label, band members, the studio and its personnel, to the riveting conclusion which I will not divulge to you.
There is some question as to whether this account is fictitious. The author is ambiguous about this, which has generated much discussion on the Internet. The ambiguity heightens the sense of adventure.
It is my experience with audiobooks, having worked on many, including GRAMMY-nominated ones, that typically only one reader narrates and vocally depicts all the characters throughout the story. The best audiobooks tell a story with a voice that you can enjoy over many hours. Sarafin has taken things a step further and has done something here that the large publishing companies in general don’t do because of cost.
Sound Upon Sound
This presentation is a full production that includes theme music for each character, sound FX, background music, panning and reverb to name a few. Throughout, the author, Eric Sarafin, a highly accomplished mixer and producer, creatively discusses the trials of the recording process and the music industry.
In this 12.5-hour radio play, we are treated to an in-depth view of the industry that most who work in it will recognize. Sarafin’s writing is eloquent, clever and nuanced. He is a great storyteller and does a fantastic job reading the audiobook, along with a cast who play the other characters in the book.
We learn about his philosophies on studio vibe and the industry as well as about recording techniques in great detail. We learn that maneuvering through the politics and the delicate balance of personalities is just as much the job of a recording engineer as knowing the craft itself.
Mixerman seems to exist at the whim of negotiations, financial motivators, egos and chocolate muffins. His philosophies and evaluations on Art and Commerce, vodka, sushi dinners, high fidelity and infidelity are also revealed throughout the recording process. Women are not presented as a respected part of the industry, which I believe reveals more about the industry than about Sarafin.
A discussion juxtaposes what a classic sound is and how to get it, versus what a modern sound is and how to get it, versus what is currently selling, and how to get a band to fit into one of those categories; simply put, how do you timely record what is “hot” and make it a “hit?”
Now Hear This
The Daily Adventures of Mixerman is humorous and educational as it observes both the recording industry and the recording process and is injected with the depth of personality that is Eric Sarafin. Ultimately, Mixerman is passionate about making good work, as he struggles to remain positive and optimistic during the most daunting of prospects: fighting the forces of the music industry.
The Daily Adventures of Mixerman is available on Amazon for $24.95 and iTunes for $21.95. Sarafin is planning to release it for under $10 at Whether you spend $25 or $10 for it you are getting a great deal. It’s hours of entertainment, chock full of drama, humor and adventure! The story is also available in hardcover and eBook on Amazon.
For the members of NARAS, this audiobook is on the ballot under the “Spoken Word” category.
Hear Day 10, “The Alabtross,” right here.

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